For the last seven months or so, I really haven't been happy with the weight that I put on after the wedding/around my birthday. I really haven't done anything to try and lose weight, so I'm consciously trying to eat better or not as much when we go out. Needless to say, yesterday's dinner was light. We had grilled cheese and soup. Soup from a can... Not really something to blog about. I will say that I think I've found the way to get cripsy grilled cheese! If you start with the grill on a tad warmer than medium heat (say 6 or 7), it will take longer for the bread to brown. Once you flip it to the other side, reduce your heat to medium (5 or so). Viola! Non-soggy grilled cheese.
Tonight we're grilling hotdogs because we finally bought a grill! It's not super fancy, but it'll do the trick. Ryan's tired of using the griddle on the stove. I really can't blame him. Clean up is a pain in the butt.
Tomorrow I'm making swiss steak, so I will try to remember to take a photo and put it on the post for swiss steak. :)
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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