Light and Fluffy

No not me...scrambled eggs!  :)  This last week I made a lot of repeats for dinner, and we had take-out for a couple meals.  Nothing worth blogging about.  Tonight's meal really isn't worth blogging about either, but it's been a while since I posted, so I figured I might as well give you something!  Tonight I'm having brenner.

Ryan is out of town tonight for work, so tonight is my excuse to eat something light.  Scrambled eggs and toast would never cut it in the dinner department for Ryan.  For me, however, it's perfect!

Scrambled Eggs

  • 3 eggs (or however many you want to make)
  • milk (approx 1 Tbls per egg)
  • salt and pepper
  1. Crack  your eggs into a small bowl or glass.  Add the milk.  Whisk them together.  (I just whip them up with a fork.)
  2. Pour egg mixture into heated pan and scrape, lift, and fold until they look like fluffy scrambled eggs!  Add to your plate and salt and pepper to taste.



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