What I've Been Up To

I definitely haven't been cooking.  That's for sure!

It's pageant season, and that means my days have been filled with stuff for Miss Wayne County.  I am the official tech/graphics/web person for the pageant and with our 2010 program only eight days away, I've been a little swamped.

Here's a sneak peak at what I've been working on:

It's our program book cover.  I'll post the entire program once the pageant has taken place.  I know some of my pageant friends check my blog, so I don't want to ruin the program book unveiling.  Actually, the book is pretty much the same year-after-year, but we did add a few new things for this year. 

I took over putting the program together last year when our printer retired.  It's a little more work than I expected, but nothing I can't handle.  Honestly, I really do enjoy doing this, and it saves our program money by not having an outside source do the graphics part.  I think I missed my calling somewhere.  Why didn't I major in graphic design or something?  Imagine what I could do if I actually knew what I was doing.  Ah...the possibilities.  Oh well, I do what I can and enjoy it!

We also started a Princess Program fundraiser this year, so that's been added to my plate as well.  So far, I must say that's it's been a definite worthwhile fundraiser.  The girls are ADORABLE, and we've been able to beef-up the scholarships we're giving out this year.  A winner for all involved!

This coming Wednesday we are having a tea party for our princesses.  Stay tuned for photos from that!

In addition to all of that, I'm also in charge of our website.  I started the site about five years ago as a surprise for our executive director.  To say it has evolved would be an understatement.  When I think about what it looked like when I started and what it looks like now, I'm pretty amazed.  I've learned so much in the process.  Although, I know I still have a lot to learn.  This is where I thank companies, namely Weebly, who make things so much easier for me.  They allow us to have a pretty darn professional looking website with minimal headaches on my end.  :)

So that's what I've been up to.  Pageants aren't all glitz and glamour.  There's so much that happens behind the scenes that I never even thought about when I was competing.  I love giving back to this organization that gave so much to me.


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